What would be a farmyard without animals?
Our animals are very popular for the kids. When they can pet our hares and cats, run after the fowls, watch the goats or ride on the ponies and horses - that will be an exciting adventure.
According to our motto: " Working is fun" everybody can join us while haymaking. In doing so the fun for the kids is of course in the foreground.
You and your kids will certainly not have a boring time with us.
Please get to know to our animals nearer.

Our horses
Colette, Mona, Lisa and our Pony Laika are very liked by the kids. They are trustingly, good-natured and are pleased when the little guests are spending the time with them.
There is nothing in the way for a small ride.

Our yard-cats
Lucky and Pussy are just two of our cats and you will see them always when you come back home from your rambles around the Mayerhof. You will have a real pleasure with them.

Our hares Hobble and Bobble
These two “smooch-hares” do have a small enclosure with an own “villa”. They are very liked by the kids, because they are very trustingly and they are especially pleased about strokes.

Our fowls
Our fowls can move freely in an open enclosure and you can visit them at any time.
Their only task is to supply a fresh breakfast egg for you.

Our goats
Also goats are living on our farmyard.
They like best to hang their beards into the sun and enjoy their life.